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Sophia 日期:2016-05-06 10:20:33 阅读: 来源:天维网编译

  Paul Lesoa是南奥克兰Mangere College的学生,他在公开信中表示反对那些将低收入郊区贴上“奥克兰的康普顿”标签的人,并称他这一代人将打破这种偏见。





  他的四个哥哥姐姐也毕业于Mangere College,都已经在工作。其中一个姐姐是青少年工作者,Paul表示自己也想找一个“帮助年少年的工作”。



  My name is Paul Lesoa, aged 15, and a proud student of Mangere College. A lot of outsiders who are not from South Auckland look down on where we come from - Mangere 275.

  Mangere is where most of us Islanders live. Mangere is home and I know a lot of people are afraid to tell people that they come from Mangere. Looking from the outside in people label us as the Compton of Auckland. There are people who may call us 'overstayers'. Well, if I'm that, then I'm going to overstay and change this country for the better. I'm going to change Mangere's reputation to a good one. I'm going to try my best to inspire other kids my age, younger and older, to dream big.

  The schools in Mangere may not have the flashest facilities or have the luxuries that other schools have but we have a bond, we can relate to each other, we all have a common goal and that's to make our parents proud.

  At Mangere College, last year's NCEA results were the best results our school has ever had. We don't need the nicest resources if we have a big heart and a big dream. Any brown kid can make it big. We can be the next SBW, the next doctor, the next principal or even the next Prime Minister. We just need to believe. We need to realise we are more than just the brown statistic.

  Our school has produced school principals, police officers, barristers, nurses, doctors, sporting legends and music stars. They had to work hard to get where they are now so that inspires us to work hard and to believe.

  We can be the generation that gives Mangere a good reputation for the rest of Auckland. We can be the generation that breaks the stereotype.

  • 人口62,745
  • 20岁以下人口38% (新西兰为27%)
  • 中等收入$20,300 (全国数据 $28,500)
  • 61%岛裔,20%欧裔,16%毛利,16%亚裔

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